
BreezFresh Series

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Delta BreezFresh Supply Fan.

The Delta BreezFresh is a DC fresh air supply fan rated for 30 to 200 CFM, which offers quiet energy efficient operation.

The FRS200 or FRS200HT provides homebuilders, contractors, and building developers with economical and smart ventilation solutions—Supply, Balanced, and Filtration. For different climate zones, you can select temperature and humidity cutoff limits for the desired airflow. A whole new digital control panel provides a user-friendly interface, showing airflow, run time, temperature, and humidity limits, and FID to comply with ASHRAE 62.2 and CA Title-24 regulations. Combined with a MERV13 filter (included), the BreezFresh fans remove pollutants, reduces allergens, odors, and disease spread, and maintains fresh, healthy air all year round.